Category: Frugality

This is all about exploring and using cheaper alternatives where possible. We’re all about trying to save money by being sensible with what we have and making/fixing/repurposing our own when we can. Stretching limited dollars further.

Please send us your ideas on this stuff.

The Night Before Christmas!!?!?!

We have a Christmas Grinch in our house.  Well, that’s not fair really, because she loves Christmas, but she’s very grinchy about one aspect in particular; If she had it her way the decorations wouldn’t go up until just a few days before Christmas (OK it’s not the night before – but you get my…

By Adrian November 21, 2018 0

A Thousand Things (Each)

A while ago I read a blog about someone decluttering their house / life by challenging themselves to get rid of a thousand things. The idea has percolated away for some months now (I’ve even got a spreadsheet created ready to list/keep a record of my progress ). Enough procrastination, I’m going to give it a go. Let’s crack…

By Glynis September 10, 2018 4

Making The Daily Bread

Onion skins!  In bread??  I’ve been constantly amazed at what I can add to the mix when I’m baking bread, that makes a delicious loaf and cuts down on waste.  Win-win.  My experimental Frankenstein Loaf is constantly evolving…  My bread-maker is the second I’ve owned. The first died from overuse and I’m sure the second will go the…

By Glynis August 25, 2018 1

Our Version of Mindfulness

It’s funny, I’ve been trying to come up with a post about budgeting, being frugal, making do with what you have and indeed, having less, but I’ve been having a hard time coming up with the right angle.  It’s getting late, so I bring the computer to bed, because I have to get something started. I…

By Adrian August 17, 2018 0

Foraging on the expressway

This post carries on from where I left off in “Foraging on my driveway (and the beach)” and details final steps in making a Native Salt and Pepper Mix from scratch. Where we left things was that I had made Kawakawa and Nasturtium powder from leaves I’d foraged on my property.  It was a fairly…

By Adrian August 2, 2018 0

We built a Hugelkultur!

I love vegetable gardening. I’ve loved it since forever. I wouldn’t call myself an expert but I’d dearly like to produce enough to keep us in vegetables without having to buy from shop or supermarket. In previous houses I’ve not really had the space or soil quality to go all out in the production stakes,…

By Glynis July 26, 2018 3