Tag: Sustainability

The Night Before Christmas!!?!?!

We have a Christmas Grinch in our house.  Well, that’s not fair really, because she loves Christmas, but she’s very grinchy about one aspect in particular; If she had it her way the decorations wouldn’t go up until just a few days before Christmas (OK it’s not the night before – but you get my…

By Adrian November 21, 2018 0

I’m the reason landfills are toxic!

It must sound profoundly weird to the current generation but going to the tip used to be an adventure. People of my age might remember this with fondness. Dad would announce that he was taking a run to the tip (for all the waste that hadn’t been burned in the 40-gallon drum in the backyard)…

By Adrian October 20, 2018 0

We built a Hugelkultur!

I love vegetable gardening. I’ve loved it since forever. I wouldn’t call myself an expert but I’d dearly like to produce enough to keep us in vegetables without having to buy from shop or supermarket. In previous houses I’ve not really had the space or soil quality to go all out in the production stakes,…

By Glynis July 26, 2018 3