Tag: health

Simplicity Itself…

A Christmas Tale Who remembers getting their first bike? For me, it’s a family story that’s been told countless times. Christmas circa 1973 and I awake to a bright, shiny red bike.  It wasn’t shop new; it was an old bike that Dad had painted and done up. Nevertheless, I was excited and happy. That…

By Adrian September 21, 2018 3

Making The Daily Bread

Onion skins!  In bread??  I’ve been constantly amazed at what I can add to the mix when I’m baking bread, that makes a delicious loaf and cuts down on waste.  Win-win.  My experimental Frankenstein Loaf is constantly evolving…  My bread-maker is the second I’ve owned. The first died from overuse and I’m sure the second will go the…

By Glynis August 25, 2018 1